Saturday, September 1, 2012

iRacing Championship Points Scoring Poll #2 Now Open

On August 16th, iRacing sent out a poll via e-mail to collect feedback on possible changes to the Championship Points structure for official iRacing series.  Today iRacing’s Tony Gardner announced the results of that poll – with 4916 iRacers responding, the results looked like this:

Keep as is:  2109 votes (42.90%)

Average the points of the top 33% of your races for the week:  710 votes (14.44%)

Average top score of the top 25% of your races for the week:  1121 votes (22.80%)

Include a maximum of 3 races in the average:  976 votes (19.85%)motorsports simulation

Looking at the raw data, the “Keep as is” option drew the most votes, but more people voted AGAINST that option, which indicates that slightly more than 57% of the iRacers who responded do want change.

Based on that analysis, iRacing has decided to post another poll, but this time rather than using an e-mail based survey link, the second poll will be conducted using the iRacing forums “polling” feature, which guarantees that only active iRacing members will be able to respond, and where respondents will only be able to cast a single vote in the poll.

This time, the poll choices will be limited to just two options:  “Keep as is,” or the “Top 25%” option, which was the top vote-getting alternative from the original e-mail poll.

The specific details on the choices offered in the new poll are as follows:

Keep as is option: Average points of the top 50% of your races for week: For example if you raced 3 times, average of best 2 would count. Raced 5 times and average of best 3 would count.

Average top score of the top 25% of your races for week: For example if you raced 4 times, best 1 would count; raced 5 to 8 times and average of best 2 would count; raced 9 to 12 times and average of best 3 would count.

As a brief refresher, the “Keep as is” option would retain the current Championship Points structure, which averages the points of the top 50% of your races for week.  For example, if you raced 3 times, the average of your best 2 would count; if you raced 5 times, the average of your best 3 would count.

“We have plenty of time before next season starts to try and make the best decision”

Many iRacers feel this typically means that if you score well in one of your first two races it is not worth risking the possibility of scoring lower points in a subsequent race and therefore reducing your points total for the week.  This mentality is viewed by some as playing a significant role in limiting participation because it actually encourages people to race less.

This potential drawback would be greatly minimized using the “Average top 25% of your races for the week” option, which would work exactly as it sounds:  If you raced 4 times in a week, your best 1 race would count; if you raced 5 to 8 times, the average of your best 2 races would count; if you raced 9 to 12 times, the average of your best 3 races would count; etc.

Some iRacers see the “Average 25%” option as something that could potentially encourage more reckless behaviors on-track, because fewer races would actually count toward your Championship Points total, while others feel very strongly that the “Average 25%” option would result in greater participation and more official races because people would have the ability to focus more on racing and less on potential points.

Depending on how you feel about this issue, you are invited to visit the iRacing forums to cast your vote.  “We have plenty of time before next season starts to try and make the best decision,” said iRacing’s Tony Gardner, but this final poll will only be open for 7 days in order to allow iRacing time to hopefully implement any potential changes in time for the next iRacing release at the end of Season 3.

You can use the following link to access the Official Series Championship Scoring Poll:

Remember, the poll will only be open for 7 days, so consider your options carefully and cast your vote, be it for change, or to retain the current status quo.


Scott Russell Riggs Hiroshi Fushida Beppe Gabbiani Bertrand Gachot

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