Thursday, November 22, 2012

School District Threatens Rockville Mom for Putting Her Child on City Bus

Right now America is experiencing an obesity epidemic so severe that, for the first time in two centuries, the current generation of children will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. It’s hardly surprising, considering the number of instances where parents are chastised or even prosecuted for allowing their kids to bike and walk to school.

Do kids need to be sheltered from public transportation or the idleness that comes with car trips? Photo: Neon Tommy

Well here’s another illustration of how far off course we are with respect to child rearing, transportation and physical activity. From Free Range Kids, via Network blog Systemic Failure, comes a story of a parent who found herself in the hot seat with administrators in Rockville, Maryland, for allowing her child to ride the city bus to school:

It had been brought to her attention, the principal said, by some “concerned parents,” that my daughter had been riding the city bus to and from school. I said, yes, we had just moved outside of the neighborhood, and felt that this was the most convenient way for our 5th grader to get there and back. The principal asked was I not concerned for her safety? “Safety from what?” I inquired. “Kidnapping,” she said reluctantly. I said that I would not bore her by talking statistics that, being in the business of taking care of young children, she surely knew better than I did. She reminded me that our transfer application (a formality in cases such as ours, when the student has less than a year left to complete at their former school) has not yet been submitted, and that if we were “unable to provide transportation,” the central office would not approve this transfer. I assured her that we were perfectly able to provide transportation, but were choosing to avail ourselves of the city’s excellent public transportation system instead.

When told that the district would be contacting protective services should she choose to keep putting her daughter on the bus, the mother explained how her 10-year-old had found a community there:


Gene Hartley Masahiro Hasemi Naoki Hattori Paul Hawkins

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